These are Also, a great idea for added space under your bed are bed lifts. Using totes, plastic bins with lids, or storage that is specifically designed for storing shoes under your bed. The space under your bed- Using this space can provide a lot of storage. Some systems have a place for hanging your clothes, and shelves, shoe racks, or totes for added storage.
Use closet organizing systems which hang up, and have separated spaces for storage. Here are some organization ideas; Closet organizing- As small as this space is, be smart about utilizing all the space that you possibly can. (Lets just hope your room mate keeps that in mind as well!) College life is quite an adjustment, and having a cluttered space will make it hard to concentrate, and could make you late if you are spending your time frantically searching for things that you need. Plus, you will want to respect the fact that it is their space too, and will want to keep it free of clutter.
Since you may be sharing a dorm with a room mate, it will be important to keep your things separated and in places where they are easy to locate. The most important thing about living in a dorm is keeping organized. Here are plenty of ideas for storage and style, especially if you are a college student on a budget. Are you wondering how you can give such a small space plenty of style? Moving into a dorm and trying to figure out where you will put everything?
Use closet organizing systems which hang up, and have separated spaces for storage. Here are some organization ideas; Closet organizing- As small as this space is, be smart about utilizing all the space that you possibly can. (Lets just hope your room mate keeps that in mind as well!) College life is quite an adjustment, and having a cluttered space will make it hard to concentrate, and could make you late if you are spending your time frantically searching for things that you need. Plus, you will want to respect the fact that it is their space too, and will want to keep it free of clutter.
Since you may be sharing a dorm with a room mate, it will be important to keep your things separated and in places where they are easy to locate. The most important thing about living in a dorm is keeping organized. Here are plenty of ideas for storage and style, especially if you are a college student on a budget. Are you wondering how you can give such a small space plenty of style? Moving into a dorm and trying to figure out where you will put everything?